Through the innovative design and flexible manufacturing, Shanghai Boqu Instrument Co., Ltd. has built a unique and innovative portfolio of vast product range, such as online bod analyzer-optical dissolved oxygen probe. We constantly and consistently provide a safe and good working environment for all our employees, where each can develop to their full potential and contribute to our joint goals - maintain and facilitate the quality.. To increase the awareness of our brand - BOQU, we have made lots of efforts. We actively collect feedback from customers on our products through questionnaires, emails, social media, and other ways and then make improvements according to the findings. Such action not only helps us improve the quality of our brand but also increases the interaction between customers and us.. We have built a strong customer service team - a team of professionals with the right skills. We organize training sessions for them to improve their skills such as excellent communication skills. Thus we are able to convey what we mean in a positive way to customers and provide them with the required products at BOQU
Water Quality Analyzer in an efficient manner..