Expert in Water Quality Measurement and Water Treatment Project Since 2007
It depends on whether you have specific requirements on Online Conductivity Meter sample. Usually, a common product sample will be shipped as soon as the sample order has been placed as we choose the best transportation company. Once the sample is shipped out, we'll send you an email notification of your order statuses, such as delivery time and goods location. If you experience delays in receiving your sample order, contact us immediately and we will help to confirm the status of your sample.
By providing a large number of high quality portable total suspended solids meter, Shanghai Boqu Instrument Co., Ltd. has been renowned in the industry for extensive expertise. Boqu Instrument's laboratory dissolved oxygen meter is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. Its quality and performance are ensured for better global competitiveness. It has obtained CE, SGS, FDA, and other certificates. For people who suffer from skin allergies problems, this product will be bound to keep them away from fungus and pruritus. It promotes a high chemical reaction speed.
We inspire ourselves on values that reinforce cooperation and success. These values are embraced by each member of our company, and this makes our company so unique. Welcome to visit our factory!
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BOQU Instrument focus on development and production of water quality analyzers and sensors, including water quality meter, dissolved oxygen meter, pH sensors, etc.