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How Online Ion Meters Can Help Prevent Waterborne Illnesses


Water is a vital resource for every living creature on earth. As much as it is life-giving, the consumption of contaminated water can lead to waterborne illnesses. These are caused by microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and parasites found in water. In recent years, there has been an increase in waterborne illnesses caused by polluted waters. Fortunately, the advancement of technology has led to the development of online ion meters that can help prevent these illnesses.

What is an Ion Meter?

An ion meter is a device used to measure the concentration of ions (electrically charged particles) in a liquid solution. It is used to test the acidity or alkalinity of water based on its pH level. The pH is a numerical value that measures the acidity or alkalinity of water. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH value below 7 means the water is acidic, while a pH value above 7 indicates the water is alkaline. The ideal pH range for drinking water is between 6.5 and 8.5.

How do Ion Meters Work?

Ion meters work based on the principle of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs). An ISE is a sensor that responds selectively to a specific ion. It measures the concentration of the ion in the solution by generating a voltage that corresponds to the ion's concentration. The higher the concentration of the ion, the higher the voltage generated.

What are the Advantages of Online Ion Meters?

Online ion meters are automated devices that continuously monitor the water's quality, providing real-time data. By measuring various parameters, they can detect changes in the water's properties that could lead to contamination. These meters can accurately measure the water's pH, temperature, turbidity, and chlorine levels. Real-time data is essential in detecting any sudden changes in water quality, alerting water treatment facilities to take immediate action.

Preventing Waterborne Illnesses with Ion Meters

Waterborne illnesses are caused by microorganisms that are present in drinking water. A single infected person can contaminate a large water source, leading to a public health crisis. In developing countries, waterborne illnesses are a leading cause of death. In developed countries, the risk is lower, but still significant. For example, in 2016, there were 19 waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States, resulting in 1,006 cases of illness, 124 hospitalizations, and 13 deaths.

Ion meters can help prevent waterborne illnesses by continuously monitoring the water's quality, detecting any sudden changes. For example, the pH of water plays a crucial role in determining whether the water is safe to drink. If the pH falls below 6.5 or above 8.5, there is a risk of contamination. An online ion meter can detect any changes in pH, alerting water treatment facilities to take immediate action.

Chlorine is commonly used to disinfect water and prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses. However, if the chlorine levels are too low, it may not be effective in killing harmful microorganisms. Conversely, if the chlorine levels are too high, they can be poisonous. An online ion meter can continuously monitor the chlorine levels, ensuring that they are within safe limits.

Turbidity is another important parameter that ion meters can measure. Turbidity refers to the cloudiness of water, caused by suspended particles like sediment, silt, and clay. High levels of turbidity can impact the effectiveness of disinfection and provide an environment for microorganisms to multiply. An online ion meter can detect any sudden changes in turbidity, alerting water treatment facilities to take action.


With the increasing risk of waterborne illnesses caused by polluted waters, online ion meters have become essential in maintaining the safety of drinking water. By providing real-time data on various parameters like pH, chlorine levels, and turbidity, they can help prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms. Continuous monitoring and timely action can ultimately prevent waterborne illnesses, saving lives.

With technology speeding up in lighting speed, have created quite a name for itself amidst water quality monitoring device and it happens to have a lot of benefits as well.

And finally, if you want to find additional resources for water analyzer, simply go to BOQU Water Quality Analyzer for more.

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BOQU Instrument focus on development and production of water quality analyzers and sensors, including water quality meter, dissolved oxygen meter, pH sensors, etc.

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